Not Gonna lie, burnt the first batch, but dipped in tea they were EPIC.
I love baking....can you tell???
Cover-ups:The Animal Aid Shop (animalaidshop.org.uk) do a large range of inexpencive foundations, tinted moisturiser, powders and concealers, although i have not tried them, this liquid foundation is the closest "style" to what i currently use with a loose powder on top to get medium/high coverage.
Urban Decay also have a small range of Vegan cover-up's, i have not used these either, however i have been told by a friend that they are not of a great standard.
BarryM Cosmetics do not test on animals and SOME of their products are Vegan.
Look out on the web link below for more info on which are vegan! (also vegan products come with a little green V)
I have a couple of the Dazzle Dust pots that are Vegan and i swear by them, they really are awesome!
(bits and pieces, vegan lipbalm)
These cakes turn out really light and fluffy! I have baked vegan cakes for years and can never get this light fluffy texture without the use of egg-replacer, i have tried oil, soya milk and banana alternatives but egg-replacer works best in my opinion!
Even my non-vegan housemates love them! (in fact i had to cook two batches in two days!)
Think thats it... if you think anything here isn't vegan, hit me up, there are always those sneaky little non-labled things.
It wasn't bad, if left overnight then sliced thinner, it makes a good sweet breakfast bread for jam!
I am a student studying fashion design, I live in a house with lots more wonderful students, none of which are veggie or vegan. I like tea-cups, sewing, tattoos and cats.
I also love cake and desserts
(i will try and make a vegan version of everything i swear...).